Head of International Brand and Communication,
Ikano Bank

"Skilful, committed and strategic with great integrity and expertise. Via new dimensions, I contribute international marketing experience and knowledge. My focus is on getting others to grow."


Chantal is a very driven and energetic person who loves challenges, leading and collaborating. Originally from the Netherlands, she came to Sweden in 2011. Today, she lives with her husband and animals on a farm in northern Skåne. She is a woman who creates value both for herself and her organisation.


Head of International Brand and Communication at Ikano Bank.




My husband and my animals (Icelandic horses, dogs, a few cats, some peafowl and hens).


Animals, friends, internet, shopping, travel, relaxing and reading.

Chantal Jonkergouw Few For Executive Women

”I now have a huge network in the corporate world, ‘the Hansa club’ and the Icelandic horse world!”

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  • Business economist, MBA.

  • Over 25 years’ experience as a leader in international marketing

  • Brand builder and communication strategist.


“The programme was extremely good. I believe one reason for this was that there were only women.”

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What has FEW meant for you?

A great deal! When I moved to Sweden, I had no business network. The women in FEW showed respect for my bravery in moving and starting again. Personally, I felt unsure. I wasn’t really myself and was outside my comfort zone in all sorts of respects – no job, no income, none of the friends, business contacts and credibility I had had in the Netherlands. I was in a new country with a new language. FEW was a personal journey in which I had to understand my feelings and fears, acquire a new focus in life, find new goals and make new friends.

A woman, Johanna Rubendahl, tipped me off about a board position. I got this and it proved a good start to getting more board jobs. It helped me find my new focus and the road forwards. Thanks to FEW, I have chosen to work with boards and, to gain further training in advanced board work, be part of The Swedish Academy of Board Directors and Styrelsekraft. FEW also gave me tools and models to understand my journey and my feelings. The Four Rooms of Change is one example. This theory about change helped me handle change in a better way. The FEW group and FEW Alumni offers a lifelong, inspirational network!

How and in which ways has your mentor supported you and provided perspective?

My mentor was Patrick Axzell of Cloetta. The very good dialogue between us made me feel that he supported me and challenged me to achieve progress as regards what I wanted. It was really more a partnership with mutual respect and exchanges. Through challenging me in our dialogues and through contacts, he was significant in my being successful in my new situation. We are still in contact and will shortly be meeting for lunch.

Why attend a leader programme solely for women?

I wasn’t looking for a leader programme solely for women. I came into contact with Trust and FEW by chance. I could probably just as easily have chosen a programme with both men and women. The programme was extremely good. I believe one reason for this was that there were only women. There was great openness in the group and we got close to each other both privately and professionally. This contributed to us being more daring.


”Choose your goals, your managers, your strategy and your networks.”

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If you were to write your biography, what do you think would be the title of the book?

‘Proactivity = everything’

What would your epilogue say?

She was brave and made a difference.

Are there any special people you would like to mention in your book and, if so, what have they meant for you and your career?

Yes, in Sweden, Magnus Dahl, CEO and owner of Aspekta (a PR and communications company based in Malmö) has been very important. He is also the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ honorary consul to South Sweden. He believed in me and was my reference for ‘the Hansa Club’ and two different jobs. A massive thank you to him! Suzanne Richter is also a very inclusive and open person who has provided good support. Camilla Hillve from ‘the Hansa club’ started as a Hansa business contact here in Sweden and is now a good and inspirational friend. Amongst others are earlier managers who gave me lots of respect, job freedom and development possibilities. I now have a gigantic network in the corporate board world, ‘the Hansa club’ and the Icelandic horse world!

What would be the subject of the first chapter in your biography?

Reinventing yourself by taking a proactive and goal-oriented approach.

What would be the title of the last chapter and why?

‘Gratitude’. For the incredibly many and interesting things I have been able to do and achieve in my life as well as for all the lovely people I have met on life’s journey.

What would you like readers to take from your biography?

That you can achieve a lot when you dare. That you must have a goal, a driving force and the courage to develop. That there are always ways to move forward.

Last but not least, have you any tips for young women at the start of their careers?

Choose your goals, your managers, your strategy and your networks.